As a general rule, all prepaid SuperConference fees are both non-transferable and non-refundable. Based on your registration, ATI secures adequate hotel room block, food & beverage, and transportation commitments, most of which are non-refundable to ATI.
To help protect our members from unforeseen situations, ATI has liberal cancellation alternatives to direct refunds.
You may cancel for any reason and apply your credit to current/future ATI services through January 31, 2023. Processing of your cancellation credit may take up to 60 days. There may also be minor deductions for unrecoverable costs incurred.
Effective February 1st to February 16th, 2023: Your full prepaid registration fee will be forfeited unless we are able to replace your registration with another attendee.
Effective February 17th, 2023: Your full prepaid registration fee will be forfeited.
If ATI cancels SuperConference 2023, the February cutoff clause will not apply. Processing of cancellation credits may take up to 60 days. There may also be minor deductions for unrecoverable costs incurred.